It’s Time To Start Living!

It is always surprising when it is not the day you thought it was…

I try to post something encouraging and motivating every Monday morning. Imagine my surprise when I realized Monday had come and gone, and here it is Tuesday afternoon.

Which is rather humorous considering the post I had ready to publish in my perfect, clock-like, organized realm.

It’s a beautiful little quote:

“It’s time to start living the life we’ve imagined.”


What is the life I’ve imagined for myself? Is this really the life I imagined? Am I voiding the quote’s mission statement? Am I posting these words as a charlatan?

To be perfectly honest, right now, no. This is not the life I imagined. There are things that I am doing and things for which I am planning that in ten billion years I would have never thought were going to be relevant.

But at the same time, I am not posting empty words, in effort to just put something out there. Every post I write, every graphic I create, every opening photo I capture with my humble iPhone is always directly related to the things I am feeling or aspiring towards, or hoping to integrate into my daily life.

So today, in the midst of an enormously stressful/exciting/what-in-sam-hill-are-we-thinking/roller-coaster week that bled over into the weekend and has continued straight through today, I can actually say yes! This is the life I imagined! For I have always imagined a life full of overflowing love, adventure, rich experience, child’s laughter, and my husband home every night. I never knew I wanted those things…and now I can’t imagine my life any differently.

The week (minus one day) is yours! Make it count!


Do you feel like your life coincides with your imagination? I’d love to hear your thoughts and emotions on the matter. Drop me a comment or message me! 



  1. Cammie

    March 7, 2018 at 1:40 am

    Thanks for the reminder! Definitely need to focus more on the great things I already have instead of comparing it to the life I thought I wanted when I was younger.

    1. Katie

      March 7, 2018 at 8:26 pm

      I’m so happy you got something valuable from this! It is hard to let go sometimes.

  2. pramegha

    March 13, 2018 at 1:43 am

    Life cannot be predicted. But we come across good moments and we must cherish them.
    Great post🌸🌸

    1. Katie

      March 13, 2018 at 6:44 am

      You are so right!

  3. didiswonderland

    March 13, 2018 at 10:32 am

    I couldn’t agree with you more, life must be enjoyed the way it is! I like your writing style 🙂

    1. Katie

      March 13, 2018 at 10:33 am

      Thanks for taking the time to read!

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